Take time this holiday to examine your worldview. If one
does not believe in the existence of a spirit world, this holiday is a pretty
fun day to spend time with friends, dress up and meet the neighbors, not to
mention the candy! However, if one has had contact with dark spiritual forces,
it may not feel like a fun game anymore. Both the dates of Christmas and
Halloween began as a pagan holyday that the church sought to build Christian
truth and tradition into a pagan society to help change the focus from paganism
to Christianity. Halloween was not so successful. Today, pagan religions and
those who follow Wicca (Witchraft) celebrate Halloween as their holy day under
the old pagan name Samhain.
Below is a quote from a Wiccan website:
plain and simple is our favorite time of year. A true time for witches,
Witchcraft itself, and Wiccans alike who feel that on this night the separation
between the physical and spiritual realities is it's least guarded and it's
veil the thinnest. It is a time for dimensional openings and workings, it is a
somber holiday, one of dark clothes and thoughts for the dead, it is said to be
the time when those of necromantic talents can speak with the dead and it is
certainly a time to remember ones own dead. Witches believe it is a time of
endings of relationships and bad situations and it is the time when one can see
the glimmer of hope in the future. There are as many concepts attached to this
holiday as any other, truly a time of remembrance of our ancestors and all
those who have gone before. "
The question of worldview is an important one to reflect on. If a
Christian bases his or her faith on the supernatural act of the gospel, that "disarmed
the rulers and authorities (Col 2:15 NAS)" he should be aware of both the
power of the Holy Spirit, and of the evil one. One should not make light
of a Satanic high holy day, but rather be aware of a night that contains concentrated
demonic activity!
At the same time, the Christian is free from the bonds of
Satan and should not be judging others, or be taken
captive by fear. The context of the above verse continues "Therefore let no one act as
your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon
or a Sabbath day (Col 2:16 NAS)". I do not know if Halloween constitutes a
"festival" or that candy can be considered "food", but we
should approach the darkness with the attitude Paul has in the following verses;
"If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep
seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2
Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. 3 For
you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. (Col 3:1-3 NAS).
Let us use this time not to judge others, but to bring the
focus back to Christ as our early church fathers tried to do. Let us be aware
that the evil one is more active tonight in the lives of Satanists, and that his
presence may be felt in our neighborhood. Let us be prepared to stand firm against
“the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic
powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the
heavenly places”. (Eph 6:12 ESV) Let us be careful, protect our
children, and be a witness to the gospel this night as many eyes are focused on
the spirit world!